Programme Svit saved my life!
The Svit Programme is the national screening and early detection programme for colorectal cancer. Joining the Svit Programme saves lives!
The Svit Programme is a preventive health programme intended for prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer. It is aimed at men and women aged 50 to 74 years, who receive invitations for cooperation every two years.
Colorectal cancer presents a great health programme in Slovenia since it is the second most frequent cancer and the number of patients even increases every year. Because of late detection of colorectal cancer, the mortality is still very high while the treatment is very difficult and less successful.
Many colorectal cancers can be prevented with Svit Programme because it helps to discover and remove polyps, which are initial stages of cancer. We will detect many of these cancers so early that the treatment will be less stressful and more successful.
The programme is implemented under the patronage of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia. It is operated by the National Institute of Public Health.
The participation in Svit Programme is free of charge for people in target population, because the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia covers the costs.
The target population accounts for more than half a million persons who are invited to participate in the programme every two years according to a pre-set plan. The legal basis enables the programme operator to process personal data, to acquire data on invited persons from the Central Population Register and to obtain data on the arrangement of mandatory health insurance and data on selected general physicians from Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS).
How does the Svit programme work
Statement of Voluntary Participation in the Svit Programme
When you receive the invitation to the Svit Programme, please read it carefully, sign the Statement of Voluntary Participation in the Svit Programme, and send it back to us.
Collecting stool samples
You will receive a set for collection of stool samples. Please follow the enclosed instructions and send us the samples in enclosed envelope.
Visit specialist doctor if necessary
If your test results are negative, you will be invited to Svit Programme in two years after you’ve received the invitation in current screening round. However, if your test results are positive, you will be referred to a colonoscopy, where a specialist doctor will determine the cause of bleeding.
Vision and Mission
The vision
The vision of the Svit Programme is to timely detect precancerous changes and colorectal cancer for in as many people from target population as possible.
The mission
Ministry of Health of the RS developed the Svit Programme in 2007, whose mission is to provide a high-quality screening and early detection programme for colorectal cancer for citizens of the Republic of Slovenia in the age target group. Screening for colorectal cancer is especially effective. Because we can successfully treat early detected cases with timely polyps’ removal and thus even prevent cancer.
The mission of the Svit Programme is thus the reduction of colorectal cancer morbidity and mortality and the increasing of the share of found precancerous changes in rectum and large intestine.
One of the aims of the Svit Programme is that at least 70 % of invited persons will actively participate in the Programme. Thus, it is essential that we achieve completely new actions, some new attitude towards health, a great level of trust and gain new skills. Each individual must follow several steps when they join the Programme.
Successful implementation of the Svit Programme can prevent suffering for patients as well as for their family members and can even prevent colorectal cancer.
Hi, firstly, I would like to thank you for saving my sister with your fast screening service. A vital 56 year old woman, slender, non-smoker, who pays attention to her health by leading a healthy...
Honorary patron
Current president of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, took over the honorary patronage on the national screening and early detection programme for colorectal cancer – the Svit Programme –...
The Ambassadors
I decided to become a Svit Programme ambassador because I was grateful to the Svit Programme, since it saved my life. If I hadn’t responded to the invitation, my life would have been worse. I am happy that this programme exists. Because of my experience, I am promoting the Svit Programme in the Koroška region.
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