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The Ambassadors / MARIJA HRVATIN


Name and surname: Marija Hrvatin

Occupation: higher administrative worker

Where do I live: Libna in Municipality of Krško; Posavje region with following municipalities: Krško, Brežice, Sevnica, Kostanjevica na Krki, Radeče, Bistrica ob Sotli

My hobbies:

  • Reading
  •  Writing songs, prose, dramatic and part-time texts (some personal achievements – two collections of poems for adults: Škatla s pokrovom, Zarjavela od vsakdanjosti; collection of children’s poems Zakaj je sonce zjutraj vstalo?; collection of short prose Vaška smrkljica/Mestni pobalin)
  • Organizing poetry nights, cooperation in poetry performances, poetry workshops
  • Socializing with positive people
  • Traveling and discovering interesting places while meeting new people.

I am proud of:

  •  life, which offered me such choices on my path, so I can be here, that I can remember the past, that I can rejoice nice moments with my husband, that I can receive love from my five children and that I can give it back, that my five grandchildren can make me happy over and over again and that I can be their dear granny who loves them;
  •  a lot of things, but most of all I am proud of my strong faith that brought me to my new life on 23rd July 2013.

Pleasures in my life:  

  •  a lot of things, but most of all I wish that my words and my actions could help all people, who find themselves in hard life experiences, to overcome their initial problems. My great wish is to raise awareness of those who do not show any obvious signs of health problems.
  • it would make me happy if I would succeed in writing some sort of a manual for all people who have undergone surgeries to help them find their way in new life situations and who cope with various traumas;
  • everything that I have already done and will be able to do in the future – new poetry and prose collections, poetry performances and gatherings;
  • to stay true to Posavje online and printed newspaper, and co-create interesting articles with my co-workers for our fabulous readers.

Why have I decided to become a Svit Programme ambassador: because of my own experience, which enabled me to re-value my values. I started to be aware of the fact that the most important thing in life is health, which I pushed to side so many times. Kindness and persistence of workers in the Svit Programme were the reason I am able to write this today. I don’t dare to think what would happen otherwise. I didn’t feel any health problems, but still there was blood in my stool. What followed was the confrontation with the disease, when I was literally facing death. I managed to stay strong and focused, and I have undergone a surgery although I have a phobia from scrubs. I decided to be a Svit Programme ambassador because I thought how important was to think about my health, how important is to trust people, who lead you to this, and finally how important is to talk about my experiences and to convince the convinced that they don’t need to die because of their shame or some other restraints.

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