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USERS SUPPORT / How to fill in the statement of voluntary participation

You have received the Statement of Voluntary Participation in the Svit Programme, which you should read carefully and return to us after you fill it in. Please send it back to us within one week in the enclosed envelope.

If you are in doubt about any answers to the questions, please call us to our Svit Call Centre on 01 620 45 21 or send us an e-mail to or ask for advice in your general practitioner’s outpatient clinic.

Your answers to the second part of the Statement of Voluntary Participation in the Svit Programme will define how you will be treated in the Svit Programme so please answer all questions precisely and correctly.

The first question is: Have you ever undergone an examination of the entire colon and rectum (colonoscopy) and you prepared for it by cleaning out your colon?

If your answer is YES, please make sure to:

  • Write the approximate date of the last colonoscopy (month and year) and
  • Answer the sub-questions.

When answering the abovementioned question, please keep in mind that colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the entire large intestine and rectum, which is performed by a doctor specialist with the use of a flexible tube, and not the collection of the stool sample which you perform by yourself.

More on colonoscopy is available here.

If you have undergone a colonoscopy in the past three years and the test results were normal, we will invite you in the Svit Programme again in two years. The normal test results mean that no colorectal cancer, ulcerous colitis, Crohn’s diseases or polyps were found during colonoscopy.

The sub-questions are the following:

a) Was ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease found?

b) Polyps were removed

Keep in mind that polyps (adenomas) are abnormal growths from the mucous membrane of the intestine and represent a precancerous stage. The number, size and sort of the change is important with polyps; polyps do not include haemorrhoids.

c) Was colon or rectum cancer found?

d) Do you have regular check-ups with your general practitioner due to the conditions indicated under points a, b or c?

(If you have any of the abovementioned diseases and have therefore already been having regular check-ups with a medical specialist. Make sure that you mark YES if you have these check-ups. If you have check-up in the future, mark YES as well and attend the examination as advised.)

If you have any of the abovementioned diseases and have therefore already been having regular check-ups with a medical specialist, you will not be included in the Svit Programme because your general practitioner is already taking proper care of your health. We recommend you to continue with regular check-ups.

Be sure to sign the Statement personally and mark the date of filling it in. you can successfully participate in the Svit Programme only if you sign and send in your Statement of Voluntary Participation in the Svit Programme.

By signing the Statement, you guarantee that you have been informed with the purpose and procedures of the national screening and early detection programme for colorectal cancer, and would like to participate in the programme. Your signature shows that you understand that your participation in the Svit Programme is voluntary and you can quit the programme at any time even though you have already given your consent for the participation. You also agree that we send any notices about your participation in the Svit Programme by ordinary mail to the address stated in the form.

Should you still have any doubt about any answers to the questions, please call us to our Svit Call Centre on 01 620 45 21 or send us an e-mail to or ask for advice in your general practitioner’s outpatient clinic.